peace support operations

2017 December

Leuven Manual on the International Law of Peace Operations

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In 2017, the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War published the Leuven Manual on the International Law of Peace Operations. The Manual is designed to provide an authoritative restatement of the law applicable to peace operations. The Manual consists of 145 ‘black-letter rules’ and their accompanying commentary. These rules reflect the consensus of the participating experts and were drawn up with the input of observers from the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross, NATO, the EU and other regional organisations and arrangements.

2013 October

Die Zurechenbarkeit von Völkerrechtsverstößen im Rahmen mandatierter Friedensmissionen der Vereinten Nationen / Julia-Pia Schütze

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Die Zurechenbarkeit von Völkerrechtsverstößen im Rahmen mandatierter Friedensmissionen der Vereinten Nationen. [The Attribution of Internationally Wrongful Acts in the Context of UN-mandated Peace Operations] Julia-Pia Schütze. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. 2011. 247pp. €82. ISBN 978-3-428-13460-1. Over the course of the past two decades, peace operations have emerged as a standard tool of international conflict resolution,

2013 March

Manual of the International Law in Peace Operations

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In 2011, the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War launched an international research project designed to produce a Manual of the International Law in Peace Operations. The Manual is intended to provide for the first time an authoritative exposé and critical assessment of the law applicable to the planning and conduct

2013 March

UN Peacekeeping Operations and Article 7 ARIO: The Missing Link

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This note argues that the solution adopted by the Articles on the Responsibility of International Organizations to the question of attributing wrongful conduct in the cotext of peace support operations is misguided, as it deliberately ignores the legal and institutional status of national contingents, does not reflect consistent international practice and may not serve the best interests of potential claimants.

2012 December

CLEER Working Paper 2012/6

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The purpose of this working paper is to assess the role of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the crisis management operations led by the EU. It brings together contributions from recognized experts originally presented at the Centre for the Law of EU External Relations (CLEER) of the TMC Asser Institute at The Hague.

2012 February

HPCR Live Seminar

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On 26 January 2012, I contributed to an online seminar on Regulating the Conduct of Military Personnel in Peace Operations, hosted by the Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research at Harvard University. Repeated reports about human rights abuses committed by members of peace support operations have raised important questions about the legal framework applicable to peace operations and the need to hold the perpetrators of such abuses to account. My contribution focused on the role of status of forces agreements in this context.